Thank you to those who have supported this camp! You can take a few minutes to read some of the Spirit-filled moments below and see photo highlights here. Reach out by emailing if you’d like to hear more!

We are still raising support
for this year’s Summer Camp!

93 campers and 47 leaders gathered at HKYWCA Sydney Leong Holiday Lodge in Lantau Island from July 17-20. This is double the number of campers from last year.

140 people engaged in camp activities and listened to stories of Jesus’ transformative love, including 40% of campers who do not usually have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Cabin Times were safe spaces where campers could discuss in small groups any questions, fears, doubts and struggles they have with faith and life. Several of the campers made a clear public commitment to Christ for the first time in their lives!

Accommodations and meals, activities and games, and the special personal touch that is the hallmark of Young Life — all take resources. While campers pay a fee* that encourages commitment, we are still raising the funds needed to make camp happen. Any contribution you make is appreciated!

*To help make Summer Camp accessible to students from diverse backgrounds, Campers pay a fee that encourages commitment, but only covers a portion of their camp experience. We rely on the generous giving of our donors to provide for the remaining portion of camp.

Create Atmosphere
  • Ice cream and giant lollipops
  • Decorate the club room
  • Class up the fancy dinner on Day 3
  • Camp reunion to continue nurturing relationships after camp
  • Sustainability of the ministry
  • Quota: Unlimited Supporters
Care for Leaders
  • Equip up to 50 invested caring adults
  • Training gatherings
  • Worship practice
  • Program meetings
  • Coffee for camp energy
  • Meals and accommodations for Work Crew, volunteers who act as the “hands and feet” of camp
  • Staff hours lovingly and strategically poured into camp preparation
  • Quota: 12 Supporters
House a Cabin
  • Meals, accommodations, and meeting space for a cabin of 6-8 campers and 2 leaders, who will spend the entire time together in small groups for sharing and nighttime cabins
  • Because intentional friendships are the heart of Young Life, providing this space for campers to bond over adventure and faith with peers and leaders is the core of camp
  • Quota: 12 Cabins to Support
Share Adventures
  • Abseiling
  • Archery
  • Kayaking
  • Hiking and Beach Activities
  • Carnival and Surprise Event
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Quota: 15 Supporters
Surprise Campers
  • Goodies bag
  • Games and rewards
  • Trophies
  • Gifts just because
  • Souvenir to remember the week
  • Quota: 14 Supporters
Support Camp
$ Custom
  • Quota: Unlimited Supporters

A Lot Can Happen in 4 Days

🎉 We kicked off Summer Camp with a Cabin Tournament, testing balance, strength, and agility. This Day 1 activity united students, many who just met for the first time.

⛱️ During “Real Life” on Day 2, Cabin Leaders AJ and Rainbow shared their struggles before encountering Christ, challenging everyone to reflect on their inner life.

🙏🏼 After two evenings of Cabin Time — where 6-8 campers discuss faith with their 2 Cabin Leaders — the final Cabin Time on Day 3 saw one group of campers initiating a time of praying over each other one by one, encouraging their cabin in Christ.

New Friends Cushion Fears

In one particular cabin, Anne and Eva* had never been to a Young Life event nor believed in Christ. As camp kicked off, they all got to know each other — what sports they play, what music they listen to, even what their favorite instant noodles recipes are. Conversations grew, the Spirit moved, and a safe space was created to also share friendship, family, and spiritual struggles.

For some, camp was the first time they ever heard the message of the Gospel — a God who sent his son in human flesh, Jesus Christ, who wants a personal relationship with each of them. It was also the first time some students encountered prayer — and Anne and Eva honestly shared that at first they felt scared about this thing called “prayer”. However, the Christian campers in their cabin prayed and shared vulnerably, tearing up as they talked about their own personal relationships with Jesus, the fear subsided and transformed into curiosity about who Jesus was.

In the midst of fun and games under sun and rain, new friendships formed, discussions deepened, and seeds of Gospel truth were planted. We pray our Father continues to grow them in His beautiful and mysterious ways, in love and community.

*Names changed for privacy

Meeting Jesus at Club

🍎 What happens at Club? We start off with some hype, jumping up and down to “I Want it That Way” and “Shake It Off”, followed by games on stage where cabin representatives compete for the coveted “Darla” goose trophy.

🎤 Then, we transition to Club speaker Evelyn sharing from her real life and bringing the Bible to the forefront through vivid and helpful imagery with relevant insights.

🫶🏼 Dismissal from Club leads to Cabin Time in the rooms, where campers can share whatever questions, thoughts,  and reflections they have on faith and life.
